VII Number 13
April 1-7, 1999
- On Our Cover: In a startling overnight
theft, the State House has been lifted from its home on State Circle in
Annapolis sometime in the early morning hours of April 1. Tethered to 16
cables strung from four black payload helicopters, the iconographic dome
of the 227-year-old capitol and every story underneath was heaved from
its foundation. Illustration by Jim Hunt.
- Dock of the Bay
Bay Life: At 80, 'Action' Jackson's Still a Captain * At
St. Clement's Island Museum, Maryland History Face to Face * Why the Bunny
Should Skip Easter * In Anne Arundel, Time Travelers Get Passports for
19 Trips * At 25th Roedown Running, Competition Stiff on Hoof and Gate
* Register Now for V2K * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, No more proffers?
In the Potomac, catfish spiked with PCBs In Florida, Winn-Dixie's "self-sustaining"
town On Lake Tahoe, no more jet skis and last but not least, this week's
Creature Feature: In Texas, farewell to Rusty, one heck of a wolf.
- State House Snatched: A New
Bay Crimes Exclusive by
Mark Burns. Annapolis is one landmark poorer this April. But as they say
in St. Mary's, it's an ill wind that blows no one good.
- Editorial In Foolish Times, Read New Bay Crimes!
- Letters to the Editor No Keeper, This Finder Seeks Weeper;
2 Years Not Enough to Break the Ice; Good Dog, Good Story
- Commentary In Annapolis, Speak Softly -- Police
May Soon Carry a Big Stick
- Burton on the Bay Apple, Say It Isn't So -- This joke is for real, No April Fool
- Chesapeake Outdoors Roadside Wildness
- Not Just for Kids Story Time with "The Dragon's Princess" by 8-year-old
Emelia Brumbaugh. And don't forget to enter our dolphin Drawing Contest.

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