Letters to the Editor
Volume VII Number 13
April 1-7, 1999
No Keeper, This Finder Seeks Weeper
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I need your help! I live at White Lake, North Carolina, where I just found a class ring in the water. It is from Calvert High School, Class of '58. The initials inside are CMR.
The only Calvert County that I know of is in Maryland. Is there any way that you could investigate this and give me a name, address, lead, etc. so that I might try to return the ring? If someone has been wearing it that long, it must mean a lot to them.
Thank you for considering this request for help.
-Bonnie Love
Editor's Note: If you know CMR, Calvert High School Class of '58, please drop this considerate writer a line. And let us know, so we can all finish the story together.
2 Years Not Enough to Break the Ice
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I am writing to you about our own professional ice hockey team, the Chesapeake Icebreakers, who finish their second season this week.
It seems as though the owner of this two-year-old team, Michael Caggiano, is unhappy about his $2 million loss and is asking the East Coast Hockey League for a suspension.
My beef with this is how, in two years, can he not expect to have a loss? It has to be common sense that in building a team from scratch, like any new business, one would see a loss before a gain. This is especially true for an area like the Baltimore/D.C. metro area, which has many professional teams.
Secondly, how can you expect 5,000 fans per game when you don't do much in the way of advertising and your ticket prices ($15, $13 and $9 for children) are some of the highest in the league?
With three games remaining, the Icebreakers' record is 33-24-10. That's not too shabby for a second-year team. According to a March 10 Washington Post interview with player/assistant coach Derek Clancey, they like it here.
We are writing to say we love them here. These games provide great family entertainment and have the potential to build not only the community of Upper Marlboro but also provide economic benefits for the surrounding counties.
We don't care if Caggiano owns the team or not. We just want them to stay in Upper Marlboro.
-Trish Smith-Boehm, Upper Marlboro
Good Dog, Good Story
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I was glad to see my friend Max the Labrador retriever on the cover of New Bay Times [Feb. 4-10] Your "Sweet Talk" article [Feb. 11-17] was excellent, too.
-Elizabeth Weir,
Lake Bloomington, Illinois
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