Volume VII Number 22
June 3-9, 1999
- On Our Cover: You can't appreciate the
character of our communities without getting to know their characters.
This week, our community profiles take us to Southern Anne Arundel County,
where future planning is taking stock of such treasures as old-timer Captain
Ed Crandell, pioneer Barbara Sturgell and newcomer John Osborne. Photos
by Mary Catherine Ball, Christopher Heagy and J. Alex Knoll.
- Dock of the Bay
New in Galesville: Hartge Nautical Museum: Little Room; Big
History * Around Town: Annapolis Taken by French * Learning Service, Southern
Teens March for Big Bucks * Seed Money: $200,000 to Green '2000' Gardens
* plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, taking the lead on restoring blue
crabs In Washington, D.C., tracing environmentalism to Genesis In Minnesota,
Jesse's 'The Veto' Ventura this week's Creature Feature: Bears take over
California's Mammoth Lakes.
- Real People A Trio of Chesapeake Country's Living
Treasures -- Captain Ed Crandell: 93 Years at Town Point -- by Mary Catherine
John Osborne: Capitalizing on Cactus -- by Christopher Heagy
Barbara Sturgell: Deale's Anchor at Happy Harbor -- by Bill Lambrecht
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Galway Bay: A Bite of the
- Editorial Chesapeake Country's Living Treasures - Know Somebody We Need
to Know? Let Us Know
- Letters to the Editor Praise for New Bay Crimes; More good words
on trees
- Commentary In Calvert, Commencement of a Controversy
- Burton on the Bay Bluebills -- Chesapeake's Latest Casualty
- Chesapeake Outdoors Skunked at Poplar Island
- Not Just for Kids The dolphin drawings are in!

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