Volume VII Number 24
June 17-23, 1999
- On Our Cover: Bernie Fowler, shown here
with state Sen. Roy Dyson (left) and 13-month-old grandson, Cody, wade
into the Patuxent River for the 12th annual "Sneaker Index."
A non-scientific measure of water clarity, Fowler's Sneaker Index showed
more leg this year. The retired state senator awaits the day he can watch
his toes wiggle through chest-deep water. Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Looking Good - More Leg Seen on Bernie's 12th Annual Wade-In
* Our Forest in the Making * Juiced Up On Jazz: JazzFest Brings World-Renowned
Talent to Annapolis * Local Heroes Restore South Arundel Landmark * Life
in Our Little Bay Ponds - At Captain Salem Avery House, Dalys Release Helm
* plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, the Army Corps of Engineers has issued
a rare pro-environment ruling In Washington, D.C., deciding which is more
important: birds or your cell phone In Delaware and New Jersey counting
horseshoe crabs In Lake Michigan yellow perch bounce back In Norway, a
bird-loving woman incubates the egg of a rare curlew ... plus, last but
not least, this week's Creature Feature: The California Sacramento Steelheads
get heat for their between-inning fun of heaving dead trout.
- Father's Day Special: Sons
and Daughters by
Christopher Heagy -- Fathers are big men in their children's lives, towering
over them in size, strength and significance. Here four adult children
- including First Lady Frances Hughes Glendening - talk about turning points
that brought father and child eye to eye
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: New Spots in the Neighborhood
- Bay Life: Inspired by Memory 'All Lacrosse the Ages' for Kevin Reichardt;
by Kristin Hagert
- Editorial If you don't come on in, the water won't be fine
- Letters to the Editor Expanding the Holistic Universe; Preserve
Maritime History at City Dock
- Bay Reflection The Babe and the Boys: A Father's Day Memory
- Burton on the Bay Give Me the Sea; You Take the Beach
- Chesapeake Outdoors Finally Fishing
- Not Just for Kids Recycle magic

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