Not Just
for Kids
Works Magic
by Mary Catherine Ball
Recycling is magic. Or so Timothy Wenk wants schoolchildren to believe.
Waiting patiently for him to set the stage, high-spirited fourth and fifth graders at Severna Park's Jones Elementary joined in a chorus of 'recycling is the thing to do' to impress the magician.
From the audience of kindergarten to fifth-graders, Wenk chose fifth-grader Marcus Johnson as his assistant. Marcus made a handkerchief disappear, and Wenk retrieved it from his long sleeve.
But we need to recycle more than handkerchiefs. There are 1,400 tons of glass recycled each year. To show that used soda bottles could be recycled and made new, he did just that. With a wave of the hand. Presto! That old soda bottle was fresh and new.
Over 67 billion pounds of paper are used by Americans
each year. What can magic say about that?
From a small roll of newspaper, Wenk created a leaning tower that stretched to the ceiling before toppling on his head. Everybody got the picture.
What can magic do about that? Take out the ink and reuse the pages. In a moment, the 1998 phone book he held in his hands turned into a book of blank pages, then into a new 1999 issue, complete with a fresh cover. Paper makes up 32 percent of all recycled materials.
People recycle 40 percent of their waste. What happens to the rest? It sits at waste sites and landfills hurting our environment.
Be kind to nature. Recycle your trash.
The Anne Arundel Co. Recycling Division sponsored magician Wenk's show for kids at Jones Elementary School in Severna Park.
Kids' Calendar
Fish off a Pier Fri. June 18 (9-noon)-Go fish off King's Landing Park's new pier. Anglers ages 9-11 get bait and win prizes for the biggest, smallest and most unique catches of the day. Bring a snack and drink (worms taste gross). Huntingtown. $3; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Play Bingo Fri. June 18 (6-7:30pm)-Kids ages 6-11 play Bingo for prizes at Calvert Co. Parks & Rec.'s Bingo night. Mt. Hope Community Center. Free; rsvp: 410/257-6770.
Pick up Sixes Sat. June 19 (10-noon)-Kids ages 6-9 clean up roadside litter along Sixes Rd. to keep Battle Creek scenic, then enjoy hot dogs on the grill. Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Port Republic. $3; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Curious George Visits Sat. June 19 (11am)-Fans of Curious George meet and greet the monkey himself. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/266-1447.
Grin and "Bear" it June 19-20 (2pm)-Bear lovers ages 4+ do bear crafts, stories and more in Zany Brainy's Big Bear Weekend. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/266-1447.
Catch Anne Arundel's Reading Wave June 21-August 6-Kids entering grades K-8 this fall can sign up for 7 fun-filled weeks of books, games, events and prizes at any Anne Arundel County Public Library's branch. Prizes include passes to Baltimore Zoo, Babe Ruth Museum, Chesapeake Children's Museum and many other places, plus discount coupons to many more. Sign up at any branch beginning June 21: 410/222-1750.
The Zoo Comes to You Tues. June 22 (10am)-Find creatures among the bookshelves when the Baltimore Zoo Mobile stops by for an exciting learning adventure about animals. Barnes & Noble, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/573-1115.
Elementary Readers Talk Frindle Tues. June 22 (7pm)-Readers in grades 4-6 gather to discuss Andrew Clements' book Frindle. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Preschoolers Storytime June 22 & 24 (10:30am)-Preschoolers listen to summer fun stories read by Carol Spaulding on Tuesday and join Music Mom Kelly Fast in a sing-along on Thursday. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Read for Prizes and Pleasure Thru Aug. 28-Independent readers
thru grade 12 pick up booklets to record all the books you read thruout
summer; each book you read and record earns you an entry in a drawing for
prizes: 410/535-0291.
| Issue 24 |
Volume VII Number 24
June 17-23, 1999
New Bay Times
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