101 Ways to Spend Your Days

Congratulations. Perhaps you've just escaped school. Or, if you're like us, you've survived another nine months of headaches, hucksters and hooligans. We're all in the same boat now, ready to embark on one of the most delicious of life's pleasures: Chesapeake Bay summer.

In this issue, our extra, "101 Ways to Have Fun on the Bay," is a priceless trove of tidbits and wisdom for your every summer need. Track down the best Bay crabcake. Hire a fishing charter. Hear the Navy band. Ride a ghost train. There: you've only got 97 more summer delights coming your way.

In these pages you'll find more outings, adventures and lazy pursuits than there are days in the summer. Some of our recommendations might strike you as a whole vacation. Like "Take a lap around the Bay," during which you may discover - as we always do - too many out-of-the-way treasures to list.

Old-timers might recall New Bay Times' first (and only other) "101 Ways" from six summers ago. (If you have that little 5x8 booklet, it's a collector's item.) Since then, we've refined the list while adding many new selections. What you see represents the collective experience and local knowledge - supplemented by lots of inquiry - of the entire New Bay Times staff - put together with a whole lot of work.

You owe us one. It's hard sitting down to write about things that we ought to be out doing. Like discovering a Bay beach. Eating some BBQ. Biking the Bay. Trying our hand at the art of fly fishing. Heading north to the Inner Harbor or south to historic St. Mary's City. Or catching a water taxi or deciding once and for all that you're the captain and buying your own darn boat.

Here's what we suggest: Read the list and choose your first dozen or so delights. Then - of course you're going to save this little book - put a check in front of each outing you achieve. (No fudging; i.e. you can't take a stroll through your own garden.)

Then, at summer's end, if you have a fair amount of check marks, write or e-mail what you liked best. Feel free to add a suggestion or two of your own. If you've persuaded us that you've achieved a thoroughly marvelous summer, we'll share your experiences with our readers.

Between now and then, of course, you may not have much time to write as you scoot up and down the Bay trying our delights. But you'll have some time to read (don't forget our suggestion to read a Bay book), so keep New Bay Times~Weekly with you on your boat or on land and we'll update you on Bay happenings.

But don't call us just yet; we'll be out making certain 101 Ways is 101 percent accurate.

| Issue 25 |

Volume VII Number 25
June 24-30, 1999
New Bay Times

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