Volume VII Number 25
June 24-30, 1999
- On Our Cover: Last May 30 was a lucky
day for Triple Play winners William and Virginia Dodd. Look inside to learn
how luck changed the lives of big winners.
- Dock of the Bay
In Annapolis, A Weekend of Wining * At Galesville, Another
Friendly Meeting *For Anne Arundel, a New Map to History *Bay Life: Annapolis
Artist Sally Comport *Psi Trackers, Trailer Raiders, British Shooters and
a Federal Fugitive Bring Mystery! to Calvert *plus, Way Downstream, In
Chesapeake Bay, $12.5 million from the feds to help build Poplar Island
In Virginia, National Audubon Society goes on radio to persuade gov to
save horseshoe crabs In Nevada, Burning Man Festival smokes out environmental
alarm In New Mexico, too many goldfish, too few trout In Belgium, meat-eaters
fearing "Mad Cow" disease feast on kangaroo plus, last but not
least, this week's Creature Feature: In California, more troubling fish
- Changing Your Luck:
Is an Actor's Life for You? NBT Interviews: Casting Agent Sharon Steele with Carol Glover -- With Steele's connections,
you might get a break - if you've got the right stuff. Think reliability
and gray hair, not glamour or ego.
Struck by Luck -- They
Won the Lottery by Darcey Dodd -- It's quite
a week that starts with 5,000 lucky dollars and ends with $100,000. Or
that drops $3 million into your lap.
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Deep Creek Restaurant Discovered
- Editorial 101 Ways to Spend Your Days
- Letters to the Editor AA Planners Thank Citizen; On-Line Reader
Wants Tide Tables
- Bay Reflection A Quarter Century and Counting
- Not Burton on the Bay Trumpys: A Rainy Day's Silver Lining
- Chesapeake Outdoors On-Island in the Rain
- Not Just for Kids Read about Brave Margaret, connect
the dots and draw a horse!

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