Volume VII Number 26
July 1-7, 1999
Our Cover: Patriotic
pursuits abound this season. As well as ooohing and aaahing at many rockets'
multicolored glare, you can meet John Paul Jones and lots of men and women
who've preceded us in celebrating independence this 223 years. John Paul
Jones photo courtesy of the U.S. Naval Academy, Armel-Leftwich Visitor
Center. Fireworks photo courtesy of Zambelli Internationale.
- Dock of the Bay
Eagles Soar on Independence Day * In Season: Painted Lady
and Purple Coneflower * In Millersville, a Park that Wants to be a Farm
* Life in Our Little Bay Ponds: In Calvert, Women Voters Survey Their Gains
* Music to Our Ears: Historic Hartge Pianos Reappear * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, hikers choke on worst air pollution in history In Cleveland,
the Cuyahoga River burns again with massive clean-up In Canada, Enviropig,
a genetic wonder, excretes less phosphorus In Mozambique, last Barbary
lion caged in a zoo plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature:
In Connecticut, a stuffing request for "road kill in good condition."
- Patriotic Pursuits
by Mark Burns
*Rocket Science* The Spark that Ignites the Big Bang. Behind the scenes with pyrotechnic
- Bay Bites Make Plans for Vera's White Sands
- Editorial Wal-Mart, Foreign Crabs Threaten Chesapeake Culture
- Letters to the Editor Thanks for the Story; Thanks for the Rescue;
Dept. of Corrections
- Bay Reflection Pestimism. Nature pays no heed to expert
wisdom ...
- Not Burton on the Bay Rally 'Round the Flag
- Chesapeake Outdoors Too Hot for Fish
- Not Just for Kids Wordy celebrations of freedom, an Independence
quiz, more.

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