Letters to the Editor
Volume VII Number 26
July 1-7, 1999

Thanks for the Story

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

Thanks for your coverage of the wade-ins held in the Patuxent River and at Herring Bay. Inspired by Senator Bernie Fowler, Maryland's Tributary Teams organized nine wade-in events around the state to spark the community awareness you so rightly identified as critical to our restoration efforts. Thanks to all those who participated.

Those inspired by your call to action can take some concrete steps to protect their local creeks and rivers by looking at a recent newspaper insert developed by the Tributary Teams and published by the Baltimore Sun Sunday, June 20.

Entitled "Fragile - Handle with Care What you can do to protect Maryland's waterways," this handy guide offers practical advice, phone numbers and fun facts. Copies are available through the web (www.dnr.state.md.us/Bay/protect) or from Maryland Department of Natural Resources (410/260-8710).

That number will also put you in touch with your local Tributary Team of citizens working with state and local governments to restore the Bay and local watersheds. We hope to hear from you.

-Lauren Wenzel, Maryland Tributary Strategies Program; lwenzel@dnr.state.md.us

Thanks for the Rescue

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

Please print our thank you to a Bay boater.

We are members of the Herrington Harbour Sailing Association who were heading for La Trappe Creek and a club raft-up over the Memorial Day holiday. As we approached, we experienced engine failure.

As there was no wind we were without power. We called the towing service to learn that only emergencies would be handled until Tuesday June 1. We were a little lost for our next move.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a powerboat, Suzie Q III, came alongside and offered us a tow to the yard. We were under the impression that it was less than a mile away.

These nice folks, a couple and the father, calmly went out of their way and towed us up the Creek past some of the most beautiful waterfront areas on the Bay. We kept thinking it was just around the next bend when it was actually four or five miles. They carefully towed us within line-tossing reach of the shore, where some other friendly folks just took the line and helped us pull into shore.

We had hoped to exchange names, give appropriate thanks and offer remuneration for the family's inconvenience. As the folks on shore caught the line, the Suzie Q III just pulled out, waved and wished us well. We tried to get them to come back and be properly thanked, but they went on their way.

To the owners/operators of Suzie Q III from Little Creek, Md.: Thank you for your help. We had a couple of problems that would not have been solved without electric power and some clean fuel. There was only one place that we could have gotten that assistance. We are sorry that we caused you to go way out of your way.

When we joined the raft-up the next day, other Herrington members were very impressed by your thoughtfulness. We hope that you realize just how much your assistance is appreciated.

-Bill and Carol Harrison, Irish Rover, Herrington Harbour South

Dept. of Corrections

We erred in Way 37 of our 101 Ways to Have Fun this Summer. Keepable hard crabs must measure five inches point to point. Soft-shells are keepable at 3.5 inches and peelers at 3 inches.

| Issue 26 |

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