Volume VII Number 34
August 26 - September 1, 1999
- On Our Cover: Stonemason Lothar Klingler
chips away at a stone that will become the next piece in the puzzle only
he can read: the facade of Annapolis' evolving West Street circle. Photo
by Mary Catherine Ball.
- Dock of the Bay
On West Street, Lothar Klingler Stonewalls Annapolis * MaryLandscapes:
Blooming Our Way to Y2K * Appreciation: Chesapeake Bay Admiral James E.
Gutman, 1918-1999 * In Season: Tiger Swallowtail and Joe Pye Weed * plus,
Way Downstream, In California, prunes turn up in the darndest places In
South Carolina, tracking green porcelain crabs In Arizona, alien grasses
invade the Sonoran Desert In Mexico, fighting drought by salting clouds
plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: From Utah, yet
another bovine revelation: You can dress a cow in a tutu but you can't
make her dance.
- Bay Life: Boat Rides on the
Bay Centennial
Cruising on the Wm. B Tennison
- A Millennial Season Curtains Rising on Bay Country Theatre
by Carol Glover-- A dozen community theater troupes plan to fill your nights
- and some afternoons - with thrillers and chestnuts; comedies, kiddy shows
and Christmas Carols; musicals and melodramas. Here's a peek behind scenes
and a look at what's coming. So get out your calendar.
- Bay Bites Spicy Country Cooking in Davidsonville
at Spring House Restaurant
- Editorial Our Killing Roads
- Letters to the Editor Still Bay Struck After All These Years;
Thanks for Bringing Hospice Cup to Life; Mrs. Jones Meets the H2O Police
- Bay Reflection Farewell to a Neighbor: Betty Becke: 1923-1999
- Burton on the Bay We're All Going Fishin' -- Won't You
Come Along?
- Chesapeake Outdoors Blues Jam
- Not Just for Kids Back to school
- Sky Watch Venus' Gentle Return
- Good Bay Times Chesapeake Country's guide to the local
happenings, from feasts and flings to nature walks and literary talks.
Check out the local music scene at Music Notes.

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