Not Just for Kids

It's back-to-school time, and Running Wilbur has run all the way to school only to discover he left his school supplies at home. Help him find his way back.


Miss Kitty by Andrew Fowler, age 8 of Chesapeake Beach

My grandmother, Nana, has a weird black cat named Miss Kitty. She likes to take a shower with everyone. If you shut the door, Miss Kitty will run her paws under the bathroom door and meow at the top of her voice.

When she gets mad at Nana, she jumps on the kitchen cabinets, climbs to the top where they are open and waits for Nana, then she pounces on her back and hisses! When Nana chases her with an aerosol can, she hides in her secret hideaway and stays until the coast is clear. Then she jumps in Nana's flower pots and throws dirt on the floor.

Miss Kitty wins most of the skirmishes.


Answer me! Answer me! Answer me! Answer me! Answer me! Answer me!

True or False: There are no sea snakes in the Atlantic Ocean.

True: About 50 species of sea snakes live in the warm and temperate waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, but not in the Atlantic.

Kids! You can win FREE tickets to see the National Aquarium's Venom: Striking Beauties,
if you write a story or draw a picture about your favorite (or least favorite) venomous creature. It can be either a real life story or make believe. Read the True or False statement each week and let yourself be surprised at what you do know - and what you don't know!


Attach the form below to your story and mail to:

NBT Venom
P.O. Box 358 ยท Deale MD 20751.


One lucky kid will win on October 25 in a random drawing. Have fun and remember, use your imagination!

Name_________________________________________________________________ Age ______

Address ________________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip _________________________________________ Telephone ( )_____________

Kids' Calendar

See a Suffragist Sat. Aug. 28 (1-4pm)-Step back in time to 1925. Meet Elizabeth Chandler Sinclair, a modern woman and suffragist. Design a political poster. Enjoy the last Star-Spangled Saturday of the summer @ Maryland Historical Society, 201 W. Monument St., Baltimore. $4 w/discount: 410/685-3750.

Acting Auditions Aug. 28 & 29 (1-4pm)-Calling all actors. Audition for "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," from Children's Theatre of Annapolis. The show tells the story of a family of bullies who take over a Christmas pageant. Performances in mid-December. Old Nike Site, Bay Head Rd., Cape St. Claire. 410/757-2281.

Krafty Kids Mon. Aug. 30 (10:30am)-Help your child develop fine and gross motor skills. Pre-school crafts let kids learn with color, shape and texture. Kids make grab bag crafts to take home. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center. Ages 3-5 w/grown-ups. 410/266-1447.

Cute Kids Compete Deadline Aug. 31-Think your kid's cute enough to compete for a title as proof? Enter now to have your kid(s) strut on stage in Anne Arundel County Fair's Cutest Kid Contest (9am Sept. 18). Eight classes for ages 1-8 plus classes for twins, triplets, quads, etc. Find forms at local libraries. $5/entry: 410/923-3400.

Dancing Dreams Tues. Sept. 1 (4-8pm)-Dream of putting on dancing shoes? The Carter School of Dance offers ballet, tap and jazz classes. Sign up for classes or get more information at their open house. Ages 4+. YWCA Building, 1517 Ritchie Hwy., Arnold. 410/626-7800.

Master Music Sat. Sept. 4 (10am-2pm)-Learn to play the piano or sing a song. Mary Hoffman teaches piano, voice, kindermusik, music composition and more. Attend the open house at her music studio. Ages Birth+. Hazelnut Ridge Farm, Edgewater: 410/798-5181.

Be in the Boychoir Sept. 1-30-A passion for music could land you a prestigious position in the Maryland State Boychoir. Applications accepted from new singers. The Boychoir asks that you live in Maryland and are willing to work hard for all performances. Ages 7-18. Schedule an audition: 410/668-2003.

| Issue 34 |

Volume VII Number 34
August 26 - September 1, 1999
New Bay Times

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