Just for Kids
To play this game, player 1 asks player 2 to pick words to fill in the blanks. IMPORTANT! Player 2 cannot see the story until the game's over! If the blank requires a "thing" (indicated in the parentheses after each blank), player 2 chooses any word he/she wants - as long as it's a thing. Fill in all the blanks, then read it out loud and see what crazy story you've created!
A long time ago in the small town of _________ (town), there lived a mad scientist named _________ (boy's name), who was the Great Keeper of the Seasons. Being the Keeper of the Seasons was very important. _________ (same boy's name) carried the four seasons in bottles everywhere. He never let them out of his sight.
But something went terribly wrong on the last day of summer in _________ (year). _________ (same boy's name) was skipping rocks on the _________ (thing). The clock struck _________ (time) and it was time to capture Summer. But he was too tired after playing all day, so he decided to wait until morning. What difference could one day make?
An evil genius named _________ (girl's name) watched the mad scientist fall asleep. Then she _________ (verb) into his room and searched for the seasons. She looked under the _________ (place), in the _________ (thing) and even on the _________ (thing), but with no luck. Just as the evil genius was leaving, she saw the bottles by the _________ (place) and grabbed them and ran all the way to the _________ (noun).
Once _________ (same girl's name) arrived, she put the bottles on the _________ (thing). _________ (exclamation)! There were only three bottles. She must have left Fall behind. _________ (same girl's name) ran all the way back to ________ (town) but Mother Earth was waiting with Fall in her hand.
Mother Earth turned the evil genius into a/an _________ (animal). Then she banished _________ (same boy's name) to _________ (town) for neglecting his responsibility, and he sits in his _________ (place) today creating potions to regain his power.
Pay careful attention to the change of seasons. When summer weather lasts _________ (number) days longer than it should, this means that _________ (animal) will _________ (verb).
Billy the Bee has lost his way. Help find him!
'Tis the season of fall. Here's a short list of words to get you in the mood of the season. Can you find them all in this word search?
Z C L O U D S Z K M D N I W S Q S G O D D E L S T C L O K M Y B L I N S A K R T F D B T E M P E R A T U R E V A X A P H I Z A N E D L O G M F R A E P T R V B O R M D P A X R T Y O U Q E N C P F O L F H V B M L C O S H T Y L L A Z C H I L L D O I N O E |
Meet Kids on the Block! Wed. Nov. 17 (9:30am for 2 year olds; 10:30am for 3-6)It's never too early to learn to understand feelings and solve problems. Young people listen in on how these kid-sized puppets do it. Two-year-olds learn "Feelings Are Important" while kids 3-6 look at "What's the Problem?" Stay to talk with puppets and make crafts. All at AA South County Library, Deale: 410/222-1925.
Kids' Calendar
Save the Bay Sat. Nov. 13 (11am-noon)-What do you think could help save the Bay? Oysters. Listen to Jennifer Keats Curtis read her story, Oshus and Shelly Save the Bay and make real oyster friends. Chesapeake Children's Museum, Festival at Riva, Annapolis : 410/266-0677.
Create a Critter Sat. Nov. 13 (3-4:30pm)-Collect fallen leaves and make a critter. With so many shapes, sizes and colors to choose from, who knows what your critter will look like? Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, St. Leonard: 410/535-5327.
Build, Build, Build Nov 13-14-Restless to build a sensational skyscraper or a monstrous mansion? You can. Choose your own materials: Lincoln Logs or K'nex, and build to your heart's content. Face the challenge at Zany Brainy, Harbour Ctr., Annapolis. Ages 4+. 410/266-1447.
Easy as A-B-C rsvp Mon. Nov. 15 (10am-noon)-Do you know your ABC's? Challenge yourself at a S-P-E-L-Ling bee. 1st-5th graders compete with children of own age. Everyone wins a prize and ribbon. Mt. Hope Community Center. $4: 410/257-6770.
Celebrate with Shel Tues. Nov. 16 (6:30pm)-Celebrate Children's Book Week with poetry, laughing at the humorous work of Shel Silverstein. Prince Frederick Library: 410/535-0291.
Bookmarking Nov. 15-20-Celebrate Children's Book Week with art. Ages 3-12 stop by the children's desk and design a bookmark. Annapolis Library: 410/222-1750.
Play after School Ongoing-Looking for fun when school is over?
Drop by the North Beach Community Center from 4-6pm. Play a board game and
make new friends. 410/257-2554.
| Issue 45 |
Volume VII Number 45
November 11-17, 1999
New Bay Times
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