Volume VII Number
November 11-17, 1999
- On Our Cover: Maryland 2000 is working now to make Maryland an even better
place in the next century and millennium. What they're doing are statewide
projects in the arts: Maryland Images; in education: Knowledge on the Edge;
in historic preservation: Save Maryland's Treasures; in human services:
Food For the Future; and in the environment: Marylandscapes. Here a pair
of Johnnies dig a Marylandscape garden at ARC of Anne Arundel. Presiding
over all is Louise Hayman, who explains Maryland 2000 in this week's feature.
Photos by Christy Grimes and Bill Lambrecht.
- Dock of the Bay
Support Mother Nature: Buy Bed and Breakfast for a Beast
* World-Champion Harmonizers Bring Gold to Chesapeake Country * Flight
and Alight * Student Shutterbugs Sought to Capture Maryland's Millennial
Century * Fall Fishing: They're Still Biting * From First Ladies to 'Muppets,'
It Takes Everybody to Care for Every Child's Mental Health * plus, Way
Downstream, In California, Marin County is the second U.S. county to ban
jet skis ... In West Virginia, feds spent $2 million to figure out how
to recycle computers In New York Times, Home Depot acclaimed green hero
by Rainforest Action Network In Washington, D.C. the death of Sen. John
Chafee means apocalypse "soon or apocalypse now" for Environment
and Public Works Committee And in California, ganging up on Channel Islands'
wild pigs plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In India,
displaced elephants go on deadly "drunken rampage."
- NBT Interview: Louise Hayman Preparing Marylanders for the 21st Century
with Bill Lambrecht -- With the millennium only 57 days away, there's lots
more we could be doing than worrying about one big mess or planning one
big night. Here, from the director of Maryland 2000 - our state's millennial
project - comes some inspiration
- Bay Life Aid to Retarded Citizens Plants a Millennial
- Bay Bites Double T Diner: Too Much of a Good Thing
- Editorial For Y2K Fears, An Antidote: Maryland 2000
- Letters to the Editor Build a YMCA for Cal-Arundel; More Love
for Lighthouses; Call for Holiday Stories
- Bay Reflection A Time To Be
- Burton on the Bay Down the Dodo Trail -- Farewell to One
More Species
- Chesapeake Outdoors Less Loony This Year
- Not Just for Kids Snakey times

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