Letters to the Editor
Volume VII Number 45
November 11-17, 1999

Build a YMCA for Cal-Arundel

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

Efforts to bring a new YMCA to serve both Calvert County and Southern Anne Arundel County are continuing. Dan Hartley has agreed to maintain a contact data base for the YMCA development committee. If you, or anyone you know, is willing to donate time and/or money, please get in touch with Dan so he can add you to our contact list. He will be looking for names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and a statement as to whether you can give time, money or both.

Right now, it is very important for us to develop a strong base of support so anything you can do to spread the word will be greatly appreciated.

Contact information is: Daniel F. Hartley; P.O. Box 1223 (3911 Seventh Street); North Beach, MD 20714; 301/855-4877 ยท dhartley@chesapeake.net.

-Gail Wallace, Owings

More Love for Lighthouses

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

Lately I have been getting a copy of New Bay Times~Weekly at the senior center in Edgewater where I am attending a senior citizen computer course. In a recent issue [Oct. 21-27], there was a nice story about love and a lighthouse [Chesapeake Grand-Mothers: Alice Bradshaw].

I was born near the Drum Point Light in 1924, so they bring back memories of those times. Mr. Richard Dodds of the Calvert Marine Museum at Solomons recommended a book about lighthouses: Maryland Lighthouses of the Chesapeake by F. Ross Holland. It is funded in part by the Maryland Historical Trust Press at Crownsville.

In the chapter describing the Point No Point light, Mr. Holland called it contradictorily named. My mother's family goes back to ca. 1690. She told a story about how that name came to be. The story goes this way.

As you stroll along the shore, the point is seen ahead of you, but you never get to it. After a while, you look back and there is the point behind you. She also recited a four-line rhyme:

P'int Lookout

P'int look in

P'int no P'int

And P'int agin.

-Harry Olsen Jr., Lothian

Call for Holiday Stories

The holidays are not the only time to get together and begin new stories but also to become closer by reminiscing about old memories. When fit together like puzzle pieces, our shared stories reveal who we are.

This holiday season, New Bay Times will be sharing favorite holiday stories. We'd like your story to be among them.

Write a simple narrative of a holiday experience or tradition you treasure. Tell us who and where and when and how and even why. You don't need to dwell too much on what your feelings were; the plain facts of the best stories pack their own punch. Try to keep your story to 500 or 600 words.

Send a photo or two, too, because you know what they say about pictures.

By sharing your stories in New Bay Times, you'll touch other holiday hearts.

All stories will be read. Stories selected by our editorial board will be published Wednesday, December 22. (We're publishing a day early the last two weeks of the year.)

Send your stories and pictures to: Sandra Martin, Editor, NBT, P.O. Box 358, Deale, Md. Fax 410/867-0307 E-mail 71632.125@compuserve.com.

All photos will be returned.

Don't delay: Early-bird stories have started arriving.

| Issue 45 |

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