Park Quest Full in 26 Hours

Dear Bay Weekly:
    Thank you for Heather Boughey’s great article about the Maryland Park Service’s Park Quest program in Bay Weekly’s April 14 edition [].
    Her first-person adventures as part of Team Bay Bougheys showcase the fun, excitement and outdoor challenges that other families experienced last summer during Park Quest. We look forward to reading about Team Bay Bougheys’ adventures again this year on our Facebook site — with more family photos as well.
     Maryland Park Service Superintendent Nita Settina, Maryland Park Service Deputy Superintendent Lt. Colonel Chris Bushman, Maryland Park Service Chief of Interpretation & Park Quest Coordinator Matt Ritter and many park staff have created another fun-filled summer of Park Quest adventures.

–Barbara Knisely, Maryland Park Service

    Editor’s note: So popular is Park Quest that this year’s quota of 1,000 teams was reached in 26 hours. Registration opened at 9am on April 25 and reached capacity by 11am April 26.