Readers Comment on Proposed Rowing Facility

Dear editor,
I tried to find a way to contact the Anne Arundel County Recreation & Parks & Public Works department to comment on the proposal to build a paddling & rowing facility on the cove on Harness Creek off the South River, but I couldn’t find any way to comment on their website. I did send a comment to the Bayland Consultants who are also working on this.
It is such a great place for a few boats to anchor and is quite protective from high winds. And the pristine shore was such a fine view with the local wildlife (deer, etc.) enjoying the private area. It would be terrible if us invasive species (yes, humans are the worst invasive species of all) tear up the shore to put in the proposed docks and piers and the access ramp.
–Bill Schneider, Annapolis
Editor’s note: To submit comments, visit:
Dear editor,
I enjoy the Bay Weekly. You do a fine job!
Steve Adams’ article on planned Paddling/Rowing facility was interesting. But, if the County is serious about the “Rowing” part of the equation…wrong spot. Suggest USNA Rowing folks would concur.
The AACPL is certainly an asset, as are all public libraries. Wonder how much better it would be with direction from our Public Officials. As you know, the Library is a non -profit, whose Board, until recently was totally self-appointed. Taxpayers pay.. but little or no voice.
–Dave Banner, West River