Road Pride

Have you noticed? Maryland is showing a new face to the driving world.
    The Maryland Proud license plate, on the roads since September 26, has shoved the bicentennial War of 1812 plate to the curb. There’s still a flag, but Maryland’s heraldic black and yellow, red and white replace the Stars and stripes. We also lose, with few regrets, the industrial-looking structures that to all the world looked more like a prison than Fort McHenry.
    Not that the 1812 bicentennial plates will disappear any time soon. 1812 drivers keep their current plates — unless you choose to pay $20 to be rid of them — until you buy a new car. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland agriculture and specialty plates are not affected by the change.
    All new licenses will be Maryland Proud, unless you transfer your existing plates to your new vehicle. As Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration issues some 740,000 sets of license plates each year, you’ll soon be seeing much more of Maryland Proud.
    Maryland Proud and all plates are made by prison inmates through Maryland Correctional Enterprises.
    Order at, Online Services. The plates will arrive in the mail within seven to 10 business days.