Strike a Pose For Mental Health

By Barry Scher
Actor Morgan Freeman once said, “I don’t think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of a dark place mentally. If you did that today, or any day, I’m proud of you.”
Entrepreneur LaQuita Hudson has done just that with the opening of her new business called Xposed Selfie Museum at Annapolis Town Center.
Xposed is an innovative photography museum and studio where, with the assistance of staff, your cell phone is used to let your imagination run free. Take photos or create videos, with family or friends, in one of up to 15 distinct scenic exhibits.
Hudson built this creative outlet to help those, like herself, who’ve experienced mental health conditions. Making positive keepsake memories was key to helping her out of depression. “I was diagnosed with postpartum depression after having my second son last year,” she says. “Unfortunately, not being able to interact with family and friends during my pregnancy and afterward due to the pandemic intensified my depression. I struggled with ways to get motivated and found that reminiscing with the hundreds of selfies and videos stored in my cell phone really encouraged me to take control over my depression.”
Xposed Selfie Museum’s interactive exhibits allow individuals young and old to travel to different destinations without needing a passport. Never been to Paris? Step into Xposed’s Paris exhibit, where you can interact with props and then share your selfies or videos.
The isolation and reduced social interactions caused by the pandemic has led to increasing numbers of people facing depression and mental health concerns and Hudson hopes an interactive experience of expression will be the ticket to wellness. “I opened my business to provide a safe and fun environment where customers can create memories and become excited about life in general. I have made it a priority to spread the importance of addressing mental health awareness and wellness while breaking the stigmas associated with depression, especially within the Black community.”
Xposed Selfie Museum is located at the east end of the Annapolis Town Center next to Warby Parker. Open Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sundays from noon to 6 p.m. Tickets req’d, $35/hour w/discounts, RSVP: