Turning Science Into Jobs

Did you know that horticultural crops and services are major income-producing agricultural industries in Maryland? The green industries alone — including nursery plants, greenhouse crops, garden centers and landscape contracting — are the second largest agricultural income-producing industries behind only poultry. Horticulture includes fruits, vegetables, nursery crops, greenhouse crops, Christmas trees, landscape contracting, and garden center and arboretum management. 
    Horticulture is no longer trial-by-error agriculture. Horticulturists must be able to identify plants and know their growth requirements as well as the most efficient methods of producing them. They must also be able to identify and learn to control insects, diseases and weeds by using improved cultural methods such as biological systems, monitoring and properly using pesticides when necessary. The horticulturist is an environmentalist, aware of environmental restrictions so as not to become a contributor to pollution. Horticulture is a science learned through higher education and hands-on experience.
    The horticultural industries offer excellent opportunities for students with advanced training in plant science, soil science, entomology and pathology.
    In 2012, it was estimated that there were six to eight job opportunities for each student graduating with plant and/or soil science majors. Job opportunities include teaching, management, sales, research, production, consulting, horticulture therapy, landscaping and legislative support. Workplaces include arboretums and botanical gardens as well as farms, greenhouses and garden centers.
    All of the fruit, vegetables, nuts that we consume 365 days each year have to be produced, processed and transported under the supervision of people with plant-science experience. All of the flowers that decorate our homes, as well as all of the ornamentals that embellish our landscapes, were propagated and grown in a greenhouse or nursery.
    We enjoy eating fresh produce and seeing live plants throughout the year because of technological advances through horticulture.

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