Way Downstream … (Jan. 17-23, 2019)

     Harry Potter in a museum? Hard to believe, but we’re about to hit the 20th anniversary of the U.S. publication of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Yes, those Hogwarts pupils are grown-up wizards now. The yearning for simpler magical times might be enough to draw one to the New York Historical Society, where the British Library exhibition of Harry Potter: A History of Magic is entering its final weeks.

         While thinking about making the trip, we read that the exhibition “unveils century-old treasures including rare books, manuscripts and magical objects from the collections of the British Library and New-York Historical Society — with original material from Harry Potter publisher Scholastic and J.K. Rowling’s own archives.”

         We especially liked the part about dragons and griffins and origins of the sorcerer’s stone, popular subjects all at Hogwarts.

         Beware: The exhibition closes Jan. 27 and the timed-entry tickets aren’t cheap: $21 for adults and $16 for seniors. Kids? Since nothing is posted on the museum’s website we can only assume that Harry Potter’s fans are all grown up.