Whoever Fixed That Up Deserves a Thank You

Calvert County sped up in the last quarter of the 20th century, zooming from a fishing and farming county of 15,826 in 1960 to a D.C. exburb of 88,737 people. In the 1990s, Calvert was Maryland’s fastest-growing county.
    Yet its rural ways are part of its appeal, as well as its identity, so keeping its heritage alive in a new century is a priority. It’s also a job for Kirsti Uunila, who goes to work every day as Calvert’s historic preservation planner.
    Now Uunila’s on the job looking for people to honor with Calvert County 24th Annual Historic Preservation Awards. Awards recognizing outstanding contributions to the preservation of Calvert County heritage are made each year in three categories: projects, service and education. They’ve gone to neighbors like Dale Bowen for restorating the windmill at Bowen’s Store; the Friends of the Old Wallville School for reconstructing and interpreting Calvert’s oldest one-room school for African Americans; Carter Gray for his book of historic postcards of Calvert.
    “Have you ever noticed an old house or tobacco barn being restored on your drive to work?” asks Uunila. “Does someone in your community record its history or the stories and memories of its longtime residents? Have you ever thought, Whoever fixed up that place did a great job. They deserve a thank you!”
    Now’s the time to nominate people who have worked to preserve Calvert County heritage and historic properties for the recognized they deserve.
    Nominations for projects completed by January 1, 2012 are due October 5. Calvert County Commissioners present the awards on Tuesday, October 30.
    Find nomination forms at www.co.cal.md.us/government/departments/planning/historicpreservation. Questions to Uunila: 410-535-1600 x2504.