The Lost Boy
This heartwarming, fictionalized story follows author James Barrie and the forces that drove the creation of his many beloved characters. Haunted by the tragic loss of his older brother, James […]
This heartwarming, fictionalized story follows author James Barrie and the forces that drove the creation of his many beloved characters. Haunted by the tragic loss of his older brother, James […]
February 25 thru March 6 Classic Theatre of Maryland invites you to the infamous Kit Kat Club where you can leave your troubles behind (ages 16+). FSa 8pm, SaSu 2pm, […]
Robert Druecker delivers a two-part virtual lecture called Looking in Freshman Lab II; part two is Feb. 26 at 2pm. 8pm:
This heartwarming, fictionalized story follows author James Barrie and the forces that drove the creation of his many beloved characters. Haunted by the tragic loss of his older brother, James […]
9am-1pm, Huntingtown High School:
Escape the stress and slow down while taking in the beauty of nature. 10-11:30am, South River Farm Park, Edgewater, RSVP: 410-222-1978.
January 28 thru February 28 See the Uhuru Quilters Guild display We Are Black History: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, featuring dynamic designs by skilled quilters on various themes of Black […]
Learn about creating a successful container garden. 10:30-11:30am, Calvert Library, Prince Frederick, RSVP:
Learn about a new history project for a documentary about Rosenwald schools in the region; hosted by the Galesville Community Center Organization. 11am, Facebook: @galesvillecommunitycenter.
Trace the journey of African Americans, and explore their impact both nationally and internationally. This 2-hour walking tour, offered in partnership with the Kunte Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation and named a […]
Trace the journey of African Americans on a two-hour walking tour, in partnership with the Kunte Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation. 1-3pm, Market House Park, Annapolis, $20 w/discounts, RSVP:
This popular class returns to teach you how to decorate eggs in this sacred traditional technique (ages 12+). 1-4pm, Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, Lothian, $35, RSVP:
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