Bay Weekly Calendar

Free State Fly Fishers

Members hear an update on striped bass and invasive species management with Erik Zloconovitz from DNR. 7-9pm, Davidsonville Family Rec Center: [email protected].

KIDS Sea Squirts

Preschoolers (ages 18mos-3yrs) join in story time and a carryout craft on the theme of who eats what. 10:15am & 11:15am, Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons, free w/admission:

Music by Kurt Gibbons

6-9pm, Killarney House, Davidsonville:

Music by Jason Bishop

6-10pm, Pirates Cove Restaurant, Galesville:

Music by Ted Garber

6:30-9:30pm, Brian Boru, Severna Park:

What is CRT?

Join the Closing the Gap Coalition to learn about what Critical Race Theory is, what it isn’t, why it’s in the public eye and more, plus hear from CCPS on […]

The Lost Boy

the Colonial Players 108 East Street, Annapolis

This heartwarming, fictionalized story follows author James Barrie and the forces that drove the creation of his many beloved characters. Haunted by the tragic loss of his older brother, James […]


Ballroom Dance Club

Learn to waltz and samba with a dance club. 7-9pm, Davidsonville Dance Club, $80, RSVP:

Music by Pete Best

7-11pm, Killarney House, Davidsonville:

Music by Kurt Gibbons

7-11pm, Pirates Cove Restaurant, Galesville:

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