Super Ravens Super Sunday
Super Bowl XXXV
Baltimore Ravens vs. New York Giants
Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 6:18pm
Tampa, Florida
This Sunday, the Baltimore Ravens, our hometown team, fly into the Super Bowl. That’s a feat no Maryland team has achieved in over 20 years.
You’d better believe that Raven Fans are ready to watch their favorite football team throw their weight around. Speaking of weight, just how big are these guys?
As quickly as they move around the field, you might be surprised to find out:
Heaviest Raven
Offensive guard Edwin Mulitalo, offensive tackle Jonathan Ogden and defensive tackle Tony Siragusa all share the title: each weighs 340 lbs.
On the Lighter Side
Cornerback Duane Starks weighs exactly half that at 170 lbs.
There are 58 players on the Ravens Roster.
1. How much do you think they would weigh if they all stood on the scale at the same time?
a. 14,500 lbs
b. 5,800 lbs
c. 10,250 lbs
2. How many tons is that?
3. How many elephants is that?
Superbowl Nachos
Have ready:
- 1 bag plain tortilla chips
- grated cheese
- salsa
Spread chips onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkle on grated cheese. Top with dabs of salsa and heat in oven at 350 until cheese is melted and bubbly.
Dig In!
Kids' Calendar
Addy, American Girl
Thurs. Feb.1(7pm)- Crafts, games and goodies bring together American Girl Doll fans for a monthly meeting. This month, discuss Addy and learn what makes her so special. Ages 7-12. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5568.
Make it Monopoly
Sat. Feb.3 (1-3pm)-Calling all Monopoly maniacs. Spend the afternoon wheeling and dealing as you try to control the board. Sign up yourself or as a team and enjoy some high stakes fun. Ages 8+. Annapolis Rec. Center, Annapolis. 410/263-7958.
Cozy Creatures of Winter
Sat.Jan. 27(11am)-Snow’s on the ground and it’s freezing outside, but no need to worry about our animal friends. Explore woods and ponds to see where they are hiding, waiting for the Spring. Bring an adult. Kinder Farm Park, Millersville. rsvp: 410/222-6115.
Help for Moms
Sun. Feb. 4 (2-5:30pm)-Moms can always use a break. Learn fun games to play, how to keep kids safe and other ways to help Mom while having fun. Ages 9-12. $25 w/discounts: YWCA, Arnold: 410/626-7800.
Explore with Junior Rangers
Love the great outdoors? The Junior Ranger Corps is looking for adventurous kids ready for a great year of fun and exploration. Ages 9-16. Battle Creek Nature and Education Society, Huntingtown. Call Jackie: 410/535-2661.
Canvasbacks, Buffleheads, Black Scoters …
… Can You Guess What They Are?
If you said ducks, you win!
Chesapeake Bay is home to many birds and, this time of year, ducks. Thanks to conservation efforts, they’re everywhere. Maryland has a great way in which kids can help preserv e the wetlands where these ducks make their homes.
In the Junior Duck Stamp Contest, kids have fun learning about wetland wildlife and get a chance to see their artwork made into a duck stamp.
Eric Smith, 14, of Fairhaven, has entered the contest before. “I remember sitting in a classroom and looking through books of ducks. After picking out the bird we wanted to draw we sketched it on graphite paper, which is pretty much an automatic copier, onto nicer paper. Then we used acrylics or watercolors to add color and finishing touches. Some of us even painted on canvas.”
The Junior Duck Stamp Contest, judged by age groups is open to all students, kindergarten through 12th grade. Kids have until March 15, 2001, to submit drawings. For more information: 301/454-1461.
ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. 7.25 tons; 3. 1 to 11&Mac218;2 elephants
Copyright 2001
Bay Weekly