The How-To Cowboy™
Secret, Magic How-To Fun Tricks
How to Play the Hand Trumpet Part 2
Some of you — and you know who you are — had difficulty forming the basic hand trumpet in last week’s column. Herewith, hence and thus, a useful tip:
- Stand or sit upright. Raise your left arm, crooked at the elbow like a crossing guard signalling “Stop,” except the left hand is facing to your right side, like you’re getting ready to do a karate chop.
- The hand is flat, fingers together, palm flattened.
- With crooked left arm in position, slightly curve the flattened palm as if ito cup a volleyball or a baby’s face.
- Raise the right hand to the same level as the left, but perpendicular, as if the right hand was about to shake hands with the left. Which means your right thumb is sticking up, the fingers are together, the palm is facing inward, pointing at the cupped left hand.
- The thumb tops should be aligned on the same horizontal plane.
- Bring the right hand over to the left until the tops of the thumbs touch.
- Lay the left hand fingers down on top of the right hand to form the flat roof of the hand trumpet.
- Close the back door, close right hand at the back of the left hand.
- Final step. Close it up. Bring thumb bottoms together.
- You’re looking at your hand trumpet. Left hand flat on top, right hand wrapped around the back. Thumbs up, pressed together, forming the thumb hole.
- You wouldn’t blow in the bottom of your thumb hole, right? And — this is key — you don’t blow in the middle either. You blow down into the hole.
- Rest your lips on your thumb knuckles and blow down into the cave. Ah, sound! Oh, joy!
The How-To Ranch Hand Challenge:
Send your unique How-To Trick to IM Press, Box 5346, Takoma Park, MD 20913 with step-by-step instructions. If accepted, you will see your trick published in this space, receive a LITTLE NED STORIES book and a $10 check.
Meet the How-To Cowboy, aka Edward Allan Faine at Glen Burnie Mall
December 10-23 or visit his website: www.takoma.com/ned/home.htm
Calling Chesapeake Country’s 2001 Babies
We’re collecting pictures of Bay Weekly’s newest readers to spotlight on our last “Not Just for Kids” page of the year.
Do you know somebody who was born in the year 2001?
Send a favorite baby picture (with baby’s and parents’ name and address; birthdate; weight)
Mail to:
Bay Weekly, PO Box 358, Deale, MD 20751 (original photos will be returned)
bkehne@bayweekly.com (digital photos must be sent in .TIF or JPEG format at 150 dpi, no smaller than 3 inches wide).
We’ll send baby and family a souvenir copy! Photos must be received by Friday, Dec. 21!
Kids’ Stuff
Friday, December 7
Reindeer Roundup
Register by today for Reindeer Roundup on Dec. 11. Make your own gifts and play games. Ages 3-5. 10:30am @ Northeast Community Ctr., Chesapeake Beach. $10; rsvp: 410/257-2554.
Santa’s Workshop
Register by today for Santa’s Workshop on Dec. 15. Create ornaments. Ages 7-12. 4-6pm @ Northeast Comm. Ctr., Chesapeake Beach. $10; rsvp: 410/257-2554.
Saturday, December 8
Chorale Christmas for Kids
Kids settle in an evening of carols and stories at Annapolis Chorale’s Christmas for Kids, featuring Annapolis Youth Chorus. Santa makes a guest appearance w/gifts. 7pm @ Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, Annapolis. $10 w/discounts; rsvp: 410/263-1906.
Letters to Santa
Thru Dec. 15–Write up your wish list for Santa and deliver your letter to his personal mailbox. All letters must include child’s name and address. 9am-5pm @ Northeast Community Ctr., Chesapeake Beach. 410/257-2554.
Naval Academy Plays for Kids
The US Naval Academy Band caters to kids w/its annual Children’s Holiday Matinee and a visitor from the North Pole. Noon & 2 @ Mitscher Hall, US Naval Academy, Annapolis. Free: 410/293-0263.
Beaver Pond Hike
Hike to beaver ponds to learn about how they live and survive. Dress warmly and wear shoes that can get muddy. 2-5pm @ Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary. Lothian. $2.50 w/discounts; rsvp: 410/741-9330.
Tuesday, December 11
What Is Christmas?
Learn about the true meaning of the season with stories of peace, love and traditions. 10:30am @ Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Is It Bedtime?
Pretend it’s bedtime as you listen to Thacher Hurd’s Cat’s Pajamas & others. 10am @ Barnes & Noble, Annapolis Harbour Ctr.: 410/573-1115.
Wednesday, December 12
Animal Antifreeze
Find out how animals get through winter with stories, puppet show and snack. Ages 3-5. 10-11am & 2-3pm @ Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Prince Frederick. $3; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Copyright 2001
Bay Weekly