Letters to the Editor
 Vol. 9, No. 49
December 6 - 12, 2001 
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In Time for Christmas, Ribbon Candy

Dear Bay Weekly:
You ran a letter from Yevette Lobban [Vol. IX, No. 44: Nov. 1-7] looking for ribbon candy.

We sell ribbon candy every year at Giant Food in our seasonal candy section. Here is the info from the ribbon candy box:

“Thin Ribbon Candy (9oz.) Made by Sevigny’s, a division of F.B. Washburn Candy Corporation, Brockton, MA 02302.”

There was no phone number.

I hope this helps your reader find some in her area or maybe order from the company. Have a great holiday!

Glad that I could help.

— Cynthia Gorski, Annapolis

For Maryland Farmers, Crops Good as Gold

Dear Bay Weekly:
It is apparent that Mr. Russ Barnes, author of “Maryland’s Former Tobacco Farmers Need a Crop As Good As Gold” [Vol. IX, No. 47: Nov. 22-28], is not familiar with the growth requirements of tulips. Anyone who has grown tulips in Maryland knows that the bulbs decline within three years and that is why most gardeners grow them as annuals. Our spring temperatures become too hot too quickly and do not allow the bulbs to replenish prior to becoming dormant. Most tunicated bulbs such as tulips, narcissus and hyacinths are cool season crops.

The crops that former tobacco farmers should be concentrating on growing include blueberries, raspberries, plums, blackberries, pears, Asian pears, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, okra, asparagus, onions, snow peas, Chinese cabbage, peaches, nectarines and grape tomatoes. This prioritized list is based on interviews with buyers from Giant Food, the manager of the Cheltenham Farmers Auction House and the list published by buyers from Safeway. All of these crops can be grown in southern Maryland. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and snow peas can be grown in both the spring and fall, while Chinese cabbage can only be grown as a fall crop.

For those farmers desiring a long-term crop with high returns consider shade trees. There is always a demand for four to six-inch caliper shade trees, a crop that requires eight to 12 years.

— Francis R. Gouin, Deale; Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Horticulture

What Brezsny Knew

Dear Bay Weekly:
A recent letter to the editor [Vol. IX, No. 47: Nov. 22-28] complained that a horoscope in Rob Brezsny’s Free Will Astrology was “propaganda.”

In the Nov. 26, 2001 issue of The Nation (which went to print Nov. 7), I found information to back up Brezsny’s statement. In “Their Spy in the Sky,” Washington, D.C., editor David Corn wrote:

“One tool exists that could be useful in resolving these disputes: high-resolution satellite photography. For almost two years, Space Imaging, a commercial U.S. firm, has been selling photos from its Ikonos satellite, which circles the globe at a height of 423 miles and snaps shots of 1-meter resolution. … But … during the war in Afghanistan … the Pentagon’s National Imagery and Mapping Agency has signed an exclusive deal with Space Imaging that gives the Defense Department control of all the commercially available, high-quality overhead images of Afghanistan.

“The Pentagon, for at least $2 million a month (and perhaps more), has purchased all time that the satellite is over Afghanistan, which means no one else can hire Space Imaging to take pictures of the war zone. … An unidentified NIMA spokesman told Satellite Week, ‘We didn’t do it primarily to censor. … We get that as an additional benefit.”

So Brezsny’s views are actually public record.

— Karyn Molines, North Beach

Copyright 2001
Bay Weekly