New Bay Times Archives
Volume VII Number 31
August 5-11, 1999
- On Our Cover: From winning team to winning
team - from Davidsonville's Little League Gators to Loyola University's
Division I Greyhounds - Kristin Hagert climbed the ladder of her sport.
Here, as a St. Mary's Saint, Hagert guards against the attack of Severn
School's Bess Freedlander. Photo courtesy of Kristin Hagert.
Dock of the Bay The
Farmer Who Prayed for Drought and Won · Oyster Salvation? Finally,
a Baywide Plan · Jazzed up - Banneker-Douglass Beats the Blues ·
Life in Our Little Bay Ponds - Neither Birthday Nor Anniversary Keeps a
Staunch Citizen Home · In Season - Rufous-sided Towhee and Blackberry
Vine · plus, Way Downstream, In Pennsylvania, streams dry up In
Washington, D.C., home builders call for bigger toilets From the Midwest,
air pollution crossed the country to contribute to Kennedy's death In California,
squaring off about anti-submarine sonar's effects on marine animals plus,
last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In Mississippi, celebrating
kudzu since you can't beat it.
- Lacrosse Dreams:
A Tale of Black Eyes, Bloody Lips and Strong Hearts by Kristin Hagert. Whatever your dream
- whether you play Division I college lacrosse or sell software - you can't
move forward without practice and you'll never get better without a challenge.
- Bay Bites Gabby's on vacation but wants your advice.
- Editorial Just How Dry Was It?
- Letters to the
Editor The Real Heroes;
Poplar Island Should Go the Way of Site 104; Asphalt Land: Coming Our Way?
- Bay Reflection Civil War Ancestors: Ours Whether We Understand
Them Or Not
- Burton on the
Bay Take A Dip
-- In Dust
- Chesapeake Outdoors Fishing Report
- Not Just for Kids Snakes sssslither into the fun.
Volume VII Number 32
August 12-18, 1999
- On Our Cover: At Dundalk Marine Terminal,
passengers board the John W. Brown - built 57 years ago across the Patapsco
River at Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard - for a peacefully nostalgic ride
on one of World War II's two remaining Liberty ships. Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Defy the Drought: Greywater Your Garden · How You
Can Save Precious H20 · Baseball's Girls of Summer · Bits
and Pieces ~ Cancer Gala Makes a Million · For Boaters, Y2K Arrives
in August · plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, King William County
still wants a giant reservoir From Seattle, Starbucks promises a new "eco-friendly"
coffee bean From Montana, Rocky Mountain Lab makes the world safe from
rabies South of Louisiana, Gulf's "Dead Zone" keeps growing plus,
last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In Dallas, wild cats
obsessed by Calvin Klein.
- Boat Rides on the
Bay Turning Back
Time On John W. Brown by Mark Burns -- From Abbott and Costello to in-air
dogfights to storming Solomons, this big boat takes quite a cruise.
- Hospice Cup by Carol Glover -- Whether you're a
sailor or landlubber, good times are coming - for a good cause - in September's
XVIIIth regatta.
- Bay Bites Bites & Sights at Annapolis Cinema
- Editorial Maryland 2000's Merry Millennium in the Making
- Letters to the
Editor A Calvert Message
to Anne Arundel; Christmas in July; Lacrosse Dreams
- Bay Reflection My Last Mission of Hope
- Burton on the
Bay All in the
Same Boat - Out of the Water
- Chesapeake Outdoors Croaking the Rhythm of the Bay
- Not Just for Kids Tales of Tails & Stingers
Volume VII Number 33
August 19-25, 1999
- On Our Cover: You can have smoke without
barbecue, but you sure can't have good barbecue without smoke. Illustration
by Jim Hunt.
- Dock of the Bay
Bay Bounty: She-Crabs Bearing Cash * Tickled to Turn 40:
Calvert Library Books a B'day Bash * In West Annapolis, McRooster Helps
Scratch Out Crime * Earth Journal: August * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia,
wetlands reduced Out of the Potomac River, fewer crabs In the Atlantic
off New England, many fish rebound plus, last but not least, this week's
Creature Feature: Also from Utah, a timely use for cow pies.
- Where there's Smoke
There's Barbecue by
J. Alex Knoll -- NBT's Indispensable Guide to Meaty Eating, whether you're
looking for the roots of barbacoa, the how-to of barbecue or the places
servin' it up.
- Bay Life Musician Craig Carr Lands Big Fish
- Bay Bites Annapolis' Little Rome: Ristorante Piccola
- Between the Covers Helen Chappell's Giving up the Ghost *New
this Week*
- Editorial Drying Times: Beyond Water Cops and Prayer
- Letters to the
Editor When a Kiss Doesn't
Miss; In Heat, Hidden Symptoms; Best "Burying Ground" Coverage
- Bay Reflection Mary Catherine Burns Appears to a Full Audience
- Burton on the
Bay Where the
Water Doesn't Go
- Chesapeake Outdoors Fishing with Random Abandon
- Earth Journal August
- Not Just for Kids The story of The Bubble Monster, a search
for sand-dollar twins, creepy critters.
Volume VII Number 34
August 26 - September 1, 1999
- On Our Cover: Stonemason Lothar Klingler
chips away at a stone that will become the next piece in the puzzle only
he can read: the facade of Annapolis' evolving West Street circle. Photo
by Mary Catherine Ball.
- Dock of the Bay
On West Street, Lothar Klingler Stonewalls Annapolis * MaryLandscapes:
Blooming Our Way to Y2K * Appreciation: Chesapeake Bay Admiral James E.
Gutman, 1918-1999 * In Season: Tiger Swallowtail and Joe Pye Weed * plus,
Way Downstream, In California, prunes turn up in the darndest places In
South Carolina, tracking green porcelain crabs In Arizona, alien grasses
invade the Sonoran Desert In Mexico, fighting drought by salting clouds
plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: From Utah, yet
another bovine revelation: You can dress a cow in a tutu but you can't
make her dance.
- Bay Life: Boat Rides
on the Bay Centennial
Cruising on the Wm. B Tennison
- A Millennial Season Curtains Rising on Bay Country Theatre
by Carol Glover-- A dozen community theater troupes plan to fill your nights
- and some afternoons - with thrillers and chestnuts; comedies, kiddy shows
and Christmas Carols; musicals and melodramas. Here's a peek behind scenes
and a look at what's coming. So get out your calendar.
- Bay Bites Spicy Country Cooking in Davidsonville
at Spring House Restaurant
- Editorial Our Killing Roads
- Letters to the
Editor Still Bay Struck
After All These Years; Thanks for Bringing Hospice Cup to Life; Mrs. Jones
Meets the H2O Police
- Bay Reflection Farewell to a Neighbor: Betty Becke: 1923-1999
- Burton on the
Bay We're All
Going Fishin' -- Won't You Come Along?
- Chesapeake Outdoors Blues Jam
- Not Just for Kids Back to school
- Sky Watch Venus' Gentle Return
- Good Bay Times Chesapeake Country's guide to the local
happenings, from feasts and flings to nature walks and literary talks.
Check out the local music scene at Music Notes.
Volume VII Number 35
September 2-8, 1999
- On Our Cover: "Our students are phenomenal,"
says Anne Arundel Community College President Martha 'Marty' Smith of a
student body that's now more diverse in race, ethnicity and life experience
than at any other time in the history of education. Photo courtesy of Anne
Arundel Community College.
- Dock of the Bay
High School Gridiron Tales: Inside Severn School's Tough
Two-a-Days * Bits and Pieces: One More Tobacco Harvest Joust Fine North
Beach Fested Come Surfside for Shelby Housepainting Courtesy of Abby Orr
Capitol Steps Up to Calvert * K-12: 90,500 Students Swell AA, Calvert Schools
* Celebrate 9/9/99 to the Nines * plus, Way Downstream, From Atlanta, Home
Depot promises new-growth wood products In Washington State, massage for
all creatures great and small In Japan, big bucks for bluefin In Great
Britain, going postal over hydrangeas plus, last but not least, this week's
Creature Feature: In Maine, moose boom.
- NBT Interview: Anne
Arundel Community College President Martha Smith with
Mary Catherine Ball -- School's not just for kids anymore, especially at
Anne Arundel Community College, where every semester 18,000 or so people
of all ages - single to triple digits - discover that learning's a lifelong
adventure as well as a passport to a profitable 21st century. Turn to page
10 to listen in on the dialogue between two women who began at the college
in the same year: President Martha Smith and about-to-be UMD graduate Mary
Catherine Ball.
- Bay Bites Old Time Chesapeake Dining in Pasadena
- Editorial Our Snitching Society
- Letters to the
Editor Vegetarianism
Protects Health; Recovering under Neighborly Care after Rabid Raccoon Attack;
Brown Crew Turn NBT Pages
- Bay Reflection How Big is Too Big for Anne Arundel County?
- Not Burton on
the Bay When Your
Dish Needs Fish
- Chesapeake Outdoors Blues Jam
- Not Just for Kids Max gets a bath
1999 NBT Archived Issues: | 1-5
| 6-10 | 11-15
| 16-20 | 21-25
| 26-30 | 31-35 | 36-40 | 41-45 | 46-52 |
1998 NBT Archived Issues: | 1-5
| 6-10 | 11-15
| 16-20 | 21-25
| 26-30 | 31-35
| 36-40 | 41-45
| 46-51 |
| Current Issue |