New Bay Times Archives
Volume VII Number 16 April 22-28, 1999
On Our Cover: The people behind the paper
celebrate six full years of getting New Bay Times off our hands and into
- Dock of the Bay
Green for a Day: Celebrating Earth Day Globally, with Everything from Dirty Socks to Mad-Genius Racing * If Its Spring, This Must Be Solomons * AA's Orphan Roads: With Adopt-A-Road Gone, Communities Clean Up * In Annapolis, 100 Take Back the Night * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, female crabs may find sanctuary In Pennsylvania, 60,000 turn out for Philadelphia Earth Day clean-up In Colorado, first Canada lynxes fail to adapt In low-tech Denver, whacking weeds with Kashmir goats and last but not least, for this week's Creature Feature, reptile smuggler Tommy Crutchfield goes back to jail.
- NBT's 6th Birthday
Special -- From Us to You by
J. Alexander Knoll -- The Story Behind the Story: How New Bay Times Gets
into Your Hands
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: India's: After the Fire,
Still Fiery
- Editorial The Weekly Miracle of New Bay Times
- Letters to the
Editor Feeding Furiously,
Cedar Waxwings Spotted; Chickens as Military Scapegoats?; Mountain Reader
Misses Tides
- Commentary For Earth Day -- A Short Reading List that
Hugs the Earth
- Burton on the
Bay An Earth Day Lesson -- From the Beavers
that Stumped D.C.
- Earth Journal Spring Sketchbook
- Not Just for Kids Celebrate Earth Day with a poem, Kingfisher
to color and more!
Volume VII Number 17 April 29 - May 5,
- On Our Cover: Set back from Church Street
Frederick and veiled in towering trees, the stately house called Linden
has its roots in another century. To see its future - as The Calvert County
Historical Society has done - you must look behind peeling paint and desolation.
Photo by Margo Turner.
- Dock of the Bay
Lost at Sea: First-Hand Stories of Risk & Rescue * Backyard
History: New Museum Digs up Local Past * BEE There: Groan-Ups Spell for
Literacy's Sake * Dig with Care, History's Everywhere * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, if you give a fish a ladder, it can climb From the Netherlands,
will International Green Police rise from this freedom-loving nation? In
the Ukraine, 13 years after Chernobyl, 4,000 have died and last but not
least, this week's Creature Feature: Flubber afloat in Washington State
- Opening History's
Doors by Carol
Glover -- Step inside Calvert's Big, Old Houses on Maryland's 62nd House
& Garden Pilgrimage; by Margo Turner -- 13 Memories of Life at Linden:
The new home of the Calvert County Historical Society is aged with memories
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Country Charm at Harrison's
- Editorial Down on the Farm: Owens' Plan a Bargain All Around
Letters to
the Editor Small Area
Planning; Marina in Calvert Pioneered Shrink-Wrap Recycling; Just Another
Beaver Story; Happily Back and Wanting to Run
- Commentary As Small Area Plans Take Shape, Remember
the Big Plan
- Burton on the
Bay The Bottom
Of the Barrel
- Chesapeake Outdoors Rock: Another Opening in Another Show
- Not Just for Kids Say Hey! 'Tis the Season to Play Croquet!
Volume VII Number 18 May 6-12, 1999
- On Our Cover: Peggy Minner's New Year's
resolution to open her heart as a foster mother has filled the West River
home she shares with husband Henry III and son Henry IV.
Here, Minner hugs foster daughters Aubrey and Amanda, who, along
with brother Austin, are about the make the Minners a clan. Photo by Mary
Catherine Ball.
- Dock of the Bay
Mother Love: Foster Parent Peggy Minner Opens Heart, Home
* Earth Journal: Coming up Roses * Tour of Champions: On the Road with
Calvert's Big Trees * Around Town: A Day with the Circus * In Calvert,
NAACP Keeps Young * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, Seniors form Environmental
Corps In Mexico City, the air's gone to the dogs In Britain, Rocker Andrew
Ridgeley, formerly of Wham!, now heads Surfers Against Sewage In India,
endangered Tibetan antelope keeps its skin and last but not least, this
week's Creature Feature: In South Africa's Johannesburg Zoo, Max the gorilla
helps nab robber Mofokeng.
- The Motherly Muse Three First-Time Authors Share the Inspiration
Behind Their Stories. Carolyn Stearns' Where Has All the Water Gone? -
by Donna Ayres. Marianne Taylor's My River Speaks: The History and Lore
of the Magothy River - by Kim Cammarata. Leo Bretholz and Michael Olesker's
Leap into Darkness - by Sandra Martin
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Middleton Tavern: Old Friend
to All Comers
- Editorial To Spell Bay Country ReLeaf, Say T-R-E-E-S
- Letters to the
Editor Small Area Planners:
Minds Closed?; Where to Apply for Passports to History
- Bay Reflection Remembering Mama
- Burton on the
Bay Meeting the
Enemy -- When children turn to murder, we're all to blame
- Chesapeake Outdoors Sometimes the Fish Wins
- Earth Journal Coming up Roses
- Not Just for Kids Pet Flash, a priceless gift for Mother's
Day, one boy's dream role, and more!
Volume VII Number 19 May 13-19, 1999
- On Our Cover: Come join New Bay Times
at our sixth birthday party, a celebration of the blessings of life in
Chesapeake Country. Eat, listen (the picture below shows off Surfside 7's
riverside location and last year's live music), be - all for free. And
don't fail to bid high on dozens of wonderful goods and services and getaways
at live and silent auction all to benefit some of Chesapeake Country's
best neighbors - trees.
- Dock of the Bay
Real Tomatoes: Plant in May, Feast in August * NBT's Lambrecht:
A Three-Time Winner * The Killer Bee: Despite Otter Brilliance, NBT's News
Mongers Got Stung * A Lily for Our Lady, Anne Arundell * Chesapeake Country's
Last Great 20th Century Land Campaign: The Missing Link * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, Shenandoah River fish highly seasoned with mercury In Minnesota,
no more personal watercraft in Voyageurs National Park In Washington State,
recycling's up thanks to The Collectors and last but not least, this week's
Creature Feature: In California, Even the owls hang out at Starbucks.
- Special for NBT's
Birthday Bash for the Trees: What Does a Tree Look Like? A Fantasy for All Ages -- story by Carolyn
Stearns -- Illustrations by Betsy Kehne
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: What's Cookin' at NBT's
Birthday Bash
- Editorial Spring Fling: Join NBT in Showing Support for Our Chesapeake
Bay and Working to Plant Some Trees
- Letters to the
Editor Thanks, One Paper
To Another; Birthday Greetings from Day 1 Reader; Use Paper to Toast Trees
- Commentary Tree Confessions: Payback from Rescued Trees
- Chesapeake Outdoors To the Rescue Shad Get a Little Help from
Some Friends
- Not Just for Kids A tree-fact treat, a leaf puzzle, and
Volume VII Number 20 May 20-26, 1999
- On Our Cover: Fairhaven School's not your
typical school. Founders, friends and students dedicated to each person's
finding their own drummer built their democratic alternative from the ground
up. Now everybody inside has to figure out just what education they want
- and how to get it. Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Our Birthday Bash for CA$H: Too Much Fun; 8,000 Trees * Noah's
Bark: Odd Creatures Crash SPCA Day * While Calvert Blesses Great and Small
* plus, Way Downstream, Virginia scolded over horseshoe crabs In Pennsylvania,
$68 to be spent to preserve farmland In Kentucky, a hawk saved from Lynyrd
Skynyrd In Massachusetts, pit bull on wanted list for killing trees and
last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In Colorado, running
like a headless chicken.
- Would You Send Your
Kid to Fairhaven School? story by Christopher Heagy - As Chesapeake Country's newest school
ends its first year, it seems that being there is as tough as getting there
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Skipper's Pier: Good Food
and Much More.
- Editorial With Homicide Killed, Friday Nights Are Free
- Burton on the
Bay No Orioles
in Baltimore -- Bit by bit, we're squeezing the life out of Chesapeake
- Letters to the
Editor Oysters Cheer
Trees; The Chairman Speaks
- Bay Reflection Farewell Watertower -- A Teacher and Her
Young Journalists Turn a Corner
- Chesapeake Outdoors Big Fish and Young Fish
- Not Just for Kids Spelling out poems, word puzzles and
1999 NBT Archived Issues:
1999 NBT Archived Issues: | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 | 31-35 | 36-40 | 41-45 | 46-52 |
1998 NBT Archived Issues: | 1-5
| 6-10 | 11-15
| 16-20 | 21-25
| 26-30 | 31-35
| 36-40 | 41-45
| 46-51 |
| Current Issue |