New Bay Times Archives
Volume VII Number 26
July 1-7, 1999
On Our Cover: Patriotic pursuits abound this season. As well as ooohing and
aaahing at many rockets' multicolored glare, you can meet John Paul Jones
and lots of men and women who've preceded us in celebrating independence
this 223 years. John Paul Jones photo courtesy of the U.S. Naval Academy,
Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center. Fireworks photo courtesy of Zambelli Internationale.
- Dock of the Bay
Eagles Soar on Independence Day * In Season: Painted Lady
and Purple Coneflower * In Millersville, a Park that Wants to be a Farm
* Life in Our Little Bay Ponds: In Calvert, Women Voters Survey Their Gains
* Music to Our Ears: Historic Hartge Pianos Reappear * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, hikers choke on worst air pollution in history In Cleveland,
the Cuyahoga River burns again with massive clean-up In Canada, Enviropig,
a genetic wonder, excretes less phosphorus In Mozambique, last Barbary
lion caged in a zoo plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature:
In Connecticut, a stuffing request for "road kill in good condition."
- Patriotic Pursuits
by Mark Burns
*Rocket Science* The Spark that Ignites the Big Bang.
Behind the scenes with pyrotechnic professionals.
*Gunpowder Fulminations & Other Celebrations
of July Fourth*Your guide to where to go for parades and patriotic pleasures,
fireworks, food, fun and festivities on, before and beyond the Fourth
- Bay Bites Make Plans for Vera's White Sands
- Editorial Wal-Mart, Foreign Crabs Threaten Chesapeake Culture
- Letters to the
Editor Thanks for the
Story; Thanks for the Rescue; Dept. of Corrections
- Bay Reflection Pestimism. Nature pays no heed to expert
wisdom ...
- Not Burton on
the Bay Rally
'Round the Flag
- Chesapeake Outdoors Too Hot for Fish
- Not Just for Kids Wordy celebrations of freedom, an Independence
quiz, more.
Volume VII Number 27
July 8-14, 1999
- On Our Cover: There's something of a scientist
in every kid. Here young beachgoers examine one of July's bumper crop of
sea nettles, those stinging blobs of jelly that only a scientist can love.
Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Emissions Inspection: Taking Our Test as We Take Theirs *
Update: Shrinking Boat Pollution: AA Partnership Wraps It Up * Cool Spots
to Beat the Heat: We Visit Chesapeake Beach Water Park * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, Good Earth Farm School teaches friendly farming In Texas,
teenager escapes the jaws of a rare catch In California, cats meow that
litter's not fatal In Seattle, a choir serenades the Puget Sound whales
with sweet sounds plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature:
In San Francisco, a band of four-legged munching machines eat up the competition.
- Dear Editor: I have
a story to tell by Cheryl Emery -- For a long
time, nobody knew what was playing havoc with Cheryl Emery's body and mind.
Then she found out it was the bite of a tiny tick ...
- Hunting the Stinging
Jellyfish by Leda Rose -- Once again this
year, the sea nettles are here. We don't like them any better, but we've
learned a bit more about them and their place in the great chain of being.
Yes, scientists report, even a sea nettle can do some good.
- Bay Bites El Toro Bravo spices up West Street.
- Editorial On AA-Calvert Border, Regional Vision Needed
- Letters to the
Editor Sen. Pres. Heaps
Praise on Heagy; Save Yourself and Your Pet from Lyme Disease; Mystery
Writer Heaps Praise on Burns
- Bay Reflection Of Woodpeckers and Men
- Burton on the
Bay Backyard Birding
- Chesapeake Outdoors Acts on Credit
- Not Just for Kids Kids Say No to Site 104
Volume VII Number 28
July 15-21, 1999
- On Our Cover: Prince George's Stadium,
home of the Eastern League Bowie Baysox, is a temple. The grass is bright
green. The burnt orange infield dirt is silky smooth. The stadium is not
as big as major league parks, but the diamond looks just as perfect. Photo
by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Last week's missing story: Update: Unity Walks on Sore Feet
· Update: In Our Little Bay Ponds - In Deale, Santa's Early Visit
Breaks Heat, Inspires Generosity · Annapolis Tops the Nation in
Walking · Cautionary Tale: Inviting Waters May Hold Threats ·
plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, George Allen's secrets disrupt the pace
of his Senate run In Montana, a river clean-up crowd collects for cases
of Coors In Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, invasive hogs tear up the towns
In London, wild backpackers seek sun, surf and sex plus, last but not least,
this week's Creature Feature: In Cape Cod, cranberry bog moths driven to
cold showers.
- Playing the Game,
Chasing the Dream Two
Games, Four Lives in Chesapeake Baseball -- by Christopher Heagyb -- Baseball
breaks everyone's heart at some point. If you're not making millions, why
keep the faith with a game that can frustrate the patient and shatter the
dreams of the innocent?
- Theatrics Annapolis Summer Garden Theater's As
You Like It. Short, Sweet and Witty
- Bay Bites Splurge at Northwoods
- Editorial For the Love of the Game
- Letters to the
Editor The Federal Angle
on Chesapeake Invasions; Tread Lightly on the Land
- Bay Reflection When Man Walked on the Moon -- A Time for
War, and a Time for Peace
- Burton on the
Bay DNR's Latest
- Chesapeake Outdoors Cooler Weather Brings Back the Bite
- Not Just for Kids Surfing story, word scramble, more.
VII Number 29
July 22-28, 1999
- On Our Cover: After 330 miles, long-distance
biker Anna Chaney, of Friendship, still has the energy to hoist her bike
in a victory salute. Photo courtesy of Anna Chaney.
- Dock of the Bay
Drought Three Ways: In Perspective; In the Garden; For the
Birds · Breaking Up Boats: Some Derelicts Evicted from Rockhold
Creek · FTC's New Hotline Seeks to Stop Sticky Fingers ·
plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, will Constitution block New York garbage?
In Georgia, the Chattooga River shows nature at its worst In Indonesia,
cell phone sparks a fire scare In land of the Maltese Falcon, hunting hinders
headway of European Union plus, last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: In North Carolina, little porker adopted after appearing in baseball
mid-inning chase.
- No Length's Too
Far for a Good Cause Anna
Chaney's 330-Mile Ride by Mary Catherine Ball -- As in the journey of a
thousand miles, the first miles were the hardest. By mile 150 or so, Chaney
knew she'd met and mastered another challenge.
- Bay Life: Boat Rides
on the Bay Virtual
Steamboating on the Bay by M.L. Faunce
- Bay Bites Old Stein Inn: Oktoberfest All Year
- Editorial Deep-Six Site 104 Now
- Letters to the
Editor Afford to Be Picky?;
Kudos for Kristin
- Commentary One More Lost Hero: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Burton on the
Bay All the Little
- Chesapeake Outdoors Mysteries of the Underwater Grasses Revealed
- Not Just for Kids Summer vacation: real and imagined
Volume VII Number 30
July 29 - August 4, 1999
- On Our Cover: Chesapeake Beach's Gerald
Donovan - mayor and just about the biggest fish in the town pond - strikes
a confident pose at the bar of Rod 'n' Reel, one of three restaurants he
owns with his brother Fred. Inside, he talks with NBT about the Cancer
Gala and what's upcoming for Rod 'n' Reel and Chesapeake Beach.
- Dock of the Bay
Bay Life - Heifetz Institute Stirs Annapolis with High-Class
Music · In AA County, 25 More Acres for Play · plus, Way
Downstream, In Virginia, crab survey of sooks shows shallow numbers In
British Columbia, treejackers tracked down through DNA testing In Florida,
anti-drug plan encourages plant homicide In Washington, recycled computers
can't compete with old cans plus, last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: In California, live lobster games lead to laying down the law.
- New Bay Times Interview:
Chesapeake Beach's Gerald Donovan with Sandra Martin. As Cancer Gala reaches for the million-dollar
mark, Gerald Donovan is about to make another big splash in Chesapeake
Beach's little pond.
- Bay Bites A taste of nostalgia and more at Fred's.
- Editorial Rights and Frights of Jetski Warriors
- Letters to the
Editor Stop Sewer Creep;
North Beach Keeps Getting Better
- Bay Reflection It's Bay Bridge Safety Week: Thoughts in
- Burton on the
Bay A Welcome
Bird is the Pelican
- Chesapeake Outdoors Crabs Weren't the Only Pugnacious Ones
- Not Just for Kids Summer vacation: real and imagined
1999 NBT Archived Issues: | 1-5
| 6-10 | 11-15
| 16-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 | 31-35 | 36-40 | 41-45 | 46-52 |
1998 NBT Archived Issues: | 1-5
| 6-10 | 11-15
| 16-20 | 21-25
| 26-30 | 31-35
| 36-40 | 41-45
| 46-51 |
| Current Issue |